Are you thinking of selling your home? Guess what day of the week is the best day to list your home for sale? If you guess Wednesday you are right!
If you want to sell a home for the most money, list it on a Wednesday. If you want to sell it in the fastest amount of time, list on a Thursday. These are the findings from a recent Redfin study, which analyzed a sample of 100,000 homes that sold in 2017.
Here is a great article by RealtorMag that gives statistics of why Wednesday is the best day.
Redfin researchers found that homes listed on a Wednesday sold for an average of $2,023 more than homes listed on a Sunday—the worst day of the week to list. They also found that homes listed on a Thursday tended to find buyers five days faster than homes listed on a Sunday, which was used as the baseline for comparison. Further, homes listed on Thursday also were more likely to be sold within 90 to 180 days.
“There isn’t one clear reason why Wednesday outperforms on price, while Thursday wins on speed and certainty,” according to Redfin’s blog, which details the study’s findings. “Possible explanations include that agents who list on Wednesdays tend to be better at pricing strategically to command the best price, or that in this fast-paced, low-inventory market, there’s simply a sweet spot for garnering the maximum sense of urgency and competition among eager homebuyers. Another theory is that the advantage of Wednesday and Thursday simply correlates to buyers’ house hunting schedules.”

If you are thinking of selling your home let’s list it on Wednesday, call or text me at 619.980.2738. Let’s get started!