No humble brag here. We are thrilled to be among the best in the business. Our La Jolla office sells more homes than many of the other La Jolla Real Estate offices COMBINED!
What does that mean for you?
- It means that our phone calls get returned right away. We have a better network of buyers and sellers.
- It means we have the skills to negotiate those difficult transactions faster and get better results.
- It means that our marketing campaigns give you access to more qualified buyers that any other La Jolla agency.
What you may not realize is that these top sales numbers reflect all of the transactions our La Jolla office has completed in ANY zip code. Yes we sell Rancho Santa Fe, Coronado, Pacific Beach, Point Loma, Mission Hills, Carlsbad, Chula Vista and more. We are great at getting homes sold – in any market and in any market condition.
We’ve got what it takes. So what’s holding you back? Call us today to find out how we can get your home sold quickly for the best price or find out how we can help you negotiate the best deal if you are looking to buy.
Now how can we help you? Give us a call 619-980-2738 or 619-851-4084