Summer is ending and fall is rapidly approaching that doesn’t mean that the selling season over! Some real estate agents will tell you there are more favorable seasons to sell your home than others. Some agents say the best time to list and sell a home is in the spring, followed by early to mid fall.
There are many reasons for this, primarily because people want to have their move finalized before kids go back to school in the fall, or do not want to be dealing with a move during the August heat. However, times are changing.
Fall can be a better time to list your home than the spring. When you list your home in the spring you are selling during the “prime” selling season. That just means there is more competition for inventory. If you are selling during at that time, your home better stand out. However, during the fall a home seller generally has less competition and the buyers are serious, looking to buy before the end of the year. A bigger surprise to home buyers is that Fall is not only a great time to buy a house, it might also be the best season to find the perfect property! Fall decor brings out a warm and homey appeal that attracts buyers. There is nothing better then a home buyer walking in a home with a roaring fire in the fireplace, carry their pumpkin spice latte and imaging themselves in the home! All that might just seal the deal.
Now is a great time to sell in the luxury market. More expensive homes require buyers with larger pockets. During the summer many people are out on vacation, not necessarily looking for a home, which is why early to mid fall, becomes a selling season.
Properties aimed at first time home buyers typically will sell at any time of year especially condominiums and town homes. Often these buyers are younger and without children or homeowners that are scaling down, so they are not faced with the constraints of school enrollment. These buyers are looking for different qualities and characteristics in properties and are happy to shop at any time of year, so sales will often be a bit steadier throughout.
Another reason to sell this Fall is that mortgage rates are rising and you want your buyers to lock in their interest rate in before they go even higher. Also no one wants to buy a home purely to make their accountant happy. But there’s a sweet added incentive for that, when buying a home near the end of the fiscal year has tax advantages and will definitely put smiles on an accountant’s face. As well as giving a prospective home buyer a nice tax savings come April 15th.
In my opinion, there is really is no wrong time to list your home, because if you price your home right, get it show-ready and hire the right Realtor, you will sell your property in a timely manner.
Do you have questions about the real estate market? If you are thinking of buying or selling a home, why not work with the best in Luxury Real Estate! Give me a call or text at 619.980.2738 and let’s get started!