
The Beauty of the Small Garden

Spring is in the air! Now is a great time to start working on your garden!

Art Alive 2019

If you are an avid reader of my blog then you know I love flowers! And this time of the year is one of my favorites! Why do you ask?

San Diego Garden Tours 2019

If you are a frequent reader of my blog then you know I love to garden. To celebrate Spring, San Diego offers a variety of fabulous garden shows.

How’s The Real Estate Market? It’s A Normal Market!

As I Realtor when I am talking to client who is thinking about buying a home or if it is a home seller thinking of selling their home, I get asked the same question, “How is the market?”

Del Mar Horse Racing 2019

Del Mar Horse Racing 2019

Del Mar’s racing season opens July 17th this year! Opening day will attract 40,000 plus die heart-racing fans will be decked out in the latest designer fashions.

Pet Safety On 4th Of July

Pet Safety On 4th Of July

Fireworks, picnics and other Fourth of July traditions can be great fun for people; but all of the festivities can be frightening and even dangerous for animals.

An Overview Of The New Tax Reform

An Overview Of The New Tax Reform

The new tax law has dominated political discussion for months and will likely continue to do so well into 2018. Consequences, both intended and otherwise, are still unclear.

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Small Upgrades That Go a Long Way

Small Upgrades That Go a Long Way

Whenever I meet with potential home sellers they always “ask what kind of upgrades can we do to our home that will not cost a fortunate, but will give us maximum return?”

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