Del Mar’s racing season opens July 17th this year! Opening day will attract 40,000 plus die heart-racing fans will be decked out in the latest designer fashions.

Del Mar’s racing season opens July 17th this year! Opening day will attract 40,000 plus die heart-racing fans will be decked out in the latest designer fashions.
Fireworks, picnics and other Fourth of July traditions can be great fun for people; but all of the festivities can be frightening and even dangerous for animals.
Does a Smart Home save you money?
New Year, New Video Series! Tune in for the latest scoop on real estate in La Jolla & San Diego!
The new tax law has dominated political discussion for months and will likely continue to do so well into 2018. Consequences, both intended and otherwise, are still unclear.
The California Legislature recently passed, and the Governor signed into law, the Building Homes and Jobs Act (also known as “SB 2”), instituting an additional recording fee surcharge on some real estate documents recorded after January 1, 2018.
During the holidays baking for the family is always a must. If baking doesn’t come easy for you or if you want to take your baking to the next level this is the post for you.
Whenever I’m meeting with a home seller or home buyer they always want to know what home designs are the most popular.
Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year? If you are Turkey Day will be a treat once you master these entertaining hacks.
If you think our housing market is going to slow down this Holiday Season think again.
Halloween is just around the corner. If you haven’t made plans to celebrate this spooky night here are 5 wonderful fun and creepy festivities that are happening in La Jolla and San Diego that the La Jolla Blog put together!
Whenever I meet with potential home sellers they always “ask what kind of upgrades can we do to our home that will not cost a fortunate, but will give us maximum return?”